Kelley Marsh

I make things better. I amuse myself in the meantime.

Tag: efficiency

  • Ain’t nobody got time for that.

    Damned if you do, and damned if you don’t. Sometimes, I feel caught in that conundrum. Especially when it comes to things like planning meetings, or retrospectives. If we stop to plan better, we lose development time, but we should make up that time by doing the work properly the first time. If we stop…

  • Efficiency and Effectiveness

    I went and got myself a certification this week – I am now a Certified Scrum Master, thank you very much. Overall, the class was interesting. The teacher was engaging and the format was interactive. I enjoyed having time to dive into “true” scrum practices, see them at work, and better understand the reasoning behind…

  • Multitasking is just poor impulse control.

    “People don’t multitask because they’re good at it. They do it because they are more distracted. They have trouble inhibiting the impulse to do another activity.” from on multi-tasking